
World’s First Ever Global Franchise Musharaka

Welcome to the Cognitive Era

At TradeGate, we present a business ecosystem that not only fuels revenue growth but elevates the cumulative value of our commercial ecosystem. Partner with us and watch your assets flourish.

TradeGate Model


Engage in global commerce through cutting-edge trading across diverse markets.


Receive comprehensive training to navigate complex trade environments effectively.


Invest strategically in vetted markets for growth and significant economic impact.

Proactive Business Hub

Established by Meer Group, TradeGate is a proactive Business Hub based in Dubai, fostering global trade and investments. We’re now opening bids for the TradeGate Global’s $325 billion business growth equities, where your capital contribution can grow alongside the promising potential of our market ventures.

Open for bids on $325 billion in business growth equities

Fostering global trade and investments

Invest and watch your capital grow with our global market ventures

Spirit of Togetherness

Built on the spirit of togetherness, TradeGate operates on the beehive principle – investing in diversified assets for maximized growth and unifying strength. We invite you to be part of this continuous evolution in global commerce


Anticipated ROI of 360% in 36 months

Diverse revenue streams for consistent growth

Grounded in a robust trade, train, and invest model

Franchise Musharaka

Invest in TradeGate’s single-unit franchise and partner with us globally. Our recession-proof model ensures your investment grows in value, fortified by diversified revenue streams and SHARIA-COMPLIANT returns.

Unlock Your Investment Potential with TradeGate

Discover how to get 360% ROI in just 36 months with our Trade-Train-Invest model. Watch our free webinar to gain exclusive insights into creating sustainable growth through our proven franchise system.

Trade Gate at a Glimpse

Trade Gate MindSmart

Trade Gate Prime

Trade Gate Investwise

World's First Franchise Musharka

Unique Benefits

Financial Forcasts


 A strategic three-step investment plan.

Stylish Progress Bar





Reach OUT

Next Gen Neo-banking

Experience next-generation banking with TradeGate. Discover Meer Neobank's Financial Freedom Account. Invest with MGI Ecosystem for a secure financial future. Ensure a prosperous financial journey.

Shariah Compliant Returns

Invest in TradeGate’s single-unit franchise and partner with us globally. Our recession-proof model ensures your investment grows in value, fortified by diversified revenue streams and SHARIA-COMPLIANT returns.

Meet the Team

Shakeel Ahmad Meer

Executive Chairman

Dr Umair Mahmood


Zulfiqar Ahmad

Vice president

Ayaz Awan

Head of Marketing